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2022-06-19 22:58
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1、Playing basketball does not only benefit an individual’s health, but also aid in promoting the value of engaging in a team Basketball games are encouraged as part of physical education classes, whether in;Dear pen palHow are you? I miss you I have a basketball trophy You know why? Because the sport that I like most is playing basketball, I most like the star is Yao Ming! I hope like him, when;Sport in the world there are many, including my favorite sport is a water movement is called quotswimmingquotBefore swimming in swimsuits or swimming trunks, pants cap and goggles, do warmup exercise before。


2、We had a really good time But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on Oh, my God My father went back to his room went on writing My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear;You must be watching TV now, aren#39t you? But don#39t stay in your home for too long Your friends here are all missing you! Come back soon, so we can play basketball together! The things we are lear;Dear Basketball英文原文Dear Basketball From the momentI started rolling my dad’s tube socksAnd shooting imaginaryGamewinning shotsIn the Great Western ForumI knew one thing was realI fell in love with。

3、Dear mom and Dad I want toplay basketball on weekendsI like basketball,basketballcanhelp mejumpcancultivate myteam cooperation abilityI thinkplaying basketball canexercise my body,can helpme grow!I know that;The Basketball Game The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o#39clock on Friday night Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium By seventhirty the seats were almost filled The;if you swim, you’ll be strongBy the way, I took part in the swimming match last week in our town?I was the winner Dear friends, swimming is really very good for us Let’s enjoy swimming。

4、Dear StudentsWe will have a basketball season from the next Monday, which is 1st April to 1st May, the duration is about 1 month Everyone could be involved to join to this game, just submit your;英语可以这么说Hello, dear teacher and classmates! I am Li Xingyuan, and I like playing basketball;一转眼科比都退役三年了 201415NBA 赛季,科比宣布赛季结束退役 接下来每个客场都变成了科比的主场 球迷们来到现场支持科比 球队也费劲心思对科比致敬 老对手凯尔特人取下球队的块地板送给唠嗑 黄蜂对老板乔丹录视频对唠嗑表达;As the Asian Winter Games will be held in my hometown,I am writing to apply for being a volunteerMy personal profiles are as followingNameLihua Gendermale Educationstudying in high school I believe I。


5、Dear Tom I#39m glad to hear from youNow let me tell you my plan First,our body is very important,wo should keep our body strong,so,I will do more exerciseI think you should do this like me!Second;7Dear***,Nice to meet you again by letterI am so excited to tell you something about my vacation on May day holidayI went to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum with my parents It#39s so。



